Peaceful Pagan Person

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A Haunting Message: Reflections of the Ages

Haunted objects are imprinted with energy, messages and wisdom from many years and many lifetimes. There is something to be learned from each one. I’ve had numerous paranormal experiences, but not until relatively recently have I ever experienced an actual haunted object. The paranormal experiences I’ve had have certainly broadened my perspectives, altered me to the vast unknowns of our dimension, and others, and have helped me grow as a person and spiritual practitioner. Some of my encounters have been absolutely terrifying and dangerous, and some have been beautiful. All were unplanned. But no matter what, I have always been completely mystified, intrigued and enamored with the paranormal, even after I recovered from a demonic attack (okay, maybe not- definitely not- enamored with that one, more like ravaged, battered and scared as hell, but I was definitely still curious).   

I didn’t have any experiences with haunted objects specifically until I relocated to the east coast, and after we moved into our paranormally active home, which was built in 1890. There are spirits that reside here and there are spirits attached to items that came with the house, including a mirror and a very beautiful, very spooky armoire. The energy is peaceful and at times, mischievous. I’ve caught an apparition on camera, as well as orbs in photos and videos, and have had several other experiences that weren’t documented. 

Recently, we found an old mirror from the 1880s in an antique store in Kingston, New York. The store has an astounding four floors, filled floor to ceiling with mysterious treasures, all in varying conditions. The mirror is quite large, tired and tarnished, but it’s also incredibly beautiful and alluring- it called to us right away. Coincidentally, the newly acquired mirror matches the (other) haunted mirror that came with the house, which is partially why we chose this one. We actually think they were both created by the same local carpenter. It was unlikely that large mirrors were being regularly imported here in the 1800s. At the time it was made, applying silver to the glass was common practice, as glass itself is not reflective. Antique silver mirrors, such as ours, often have dark lines behind the glass, scuffs and tarnished spots because the material was coated very thinly and unevenly, causing it to wear and tear with age. This mirror is almost 150 years old, it has seen a tremendous amount in its time and has a story to tell.

When we brought it in and hung it up, it became clear immediately that it was a haunted object. We have it next to the front door, diagonal from the steps leading upstairs. The energy around the mirror is palpable, I can actually feel it buzzing in my hands and fingertips whenever I walk by. It holds a feminine presence. Sometimes, it feels like someone is watching me walk up the stairs and the dogs have taken an interest in it, too. We have only had it for about a week and a half and it’s already EXTREMELY active. I have had multiple experiences, but the most moving and profound paranormal experience I’ve ever had, came the first night. It left me awed, overwhelmed and in tears.

I had a spiritual download, through a hyper-vivid dream about the harrowing events a family faced during World War II. I’ve never had a spiritual download before, but I was aware of it within the spiritual community. I was essentially watching a reel of their experiences, like a movie. It was heart wrenching to watch something that I intuitively and with certainty know occurred, and to be completely powerless to intercede in the past. In all my paranormal encounters, I have never experienced anything like this before. The family was Jewish. There was a mother and father, and three children- two girls and one boy, elementary aged and/or young teens. I first saw them hiding in a dark space, either a basement or an attic, there were no windows. They were huddled together, when the door was kicked open and the room filled with obtrusive light. The family was seized by Nazi soldiers. I got the impression that they had been in hiding for weeks. 

The family tried to stay together but were forcefully separated. As I watched in horror, the mother, father and son were each taken separately from one another, the girls were together. They were all screaming and crying, as they were loaded into train cars like animals, en route to concentration camps. I watched the girls peeking through cracks in the overcrowded train car. The scene shifted, and I saw the sisters make an attempted escape. I don’t know how much time had passed. They wore dirty matted clothes and were emaciated, crawling in the mud down a bank, I couldn’t see if they were within the confines of the concentration camp or if they had broken free. 

The two were shaking with fear and crouched low in the grass, in a hole of some kind. They almost went undetected but were spotted and recaptured, as a Nazi solider struggled to crawl toward them, with more following. I felt a horrible wave of defeated energy and desperation. The final scene of the dream showed the two sisters being violently ripped away from one another. Their faces were contorted in agony, their mud covered fingers desperately reaching out to try to cling to one another. Before they could touch, I woke up. After they were separated, I feel the younger one had met her end, and the older teen survived the war. I didn’t see the parents or the brother again after the initial dream sequence, but felt the deep aching sadness of loss. I know they didn’t make it. 

I witnessed a Holocaust survivor lose her whole family. I woke up groggy and sobbing, both disturbed and humbled. After waking, I had not fully realized the magnitude of what I had just experienced until further contemplation and research. There is a heaviness in my chest and I feel the lump in my throat whenever I think about it, which has been constant since it happened. After I spent a few days sifting through my feelings and digesting the intense and unexpected information I received, I stood in front of the mirror and thought, “if you are here, show me.” No sooner had I formed the words, I felt someone gently poke the top of my head! I took photos of the mirror shortly after and found faces permanently etched in the glass, through the tarnished silver! There is a profile view of a woman’s face, and two gargoyle-like faces (photos for reference). I had just cleaned the glass prior to telepathically connecting with the mirror, so the imagery is not from dirt. Since then, doors and cabinets have started opening mysteriously and things have been moving around. Today, a heavy brass candleholder was knocked over, with a loud clatter. I also saw movement out the corner of my eye in the kitchen, but when I whipped around, whatever it was had disappeared.

The level of the activity in general and more importantly, the dream, have prompted me to research Holocaust survivors and their stories. I needed to find out if there was any information on Jewish folks relocating to upstate New York specifically. My discoveries backed up everything I had seen. Prior to researching, I knew that a large amount of survivors emigrated to New York City after the war. What I didn’t know, was that a sizable population relocated to the Catskill Mountains, which is about an hour away from where we live. It is entirely possible, and to me- probable, that a survivor had the mirror at one point in the Catskills or another surrounding area, where it eventually ended up in in the antique shop in Kingston, an hour away from the mountains and 15 minutes away from me. 

The other piece of this intricate puzzle, is the timing. We got the mirror just a few days ahead of the Trump induced, riot-rampage at the capital, where there were openly hostile, anti-Semitic terrorists/racists and six casualties. It’s no coincidence that this mirror came to me, at the time it did, with this vivid message from the survivor. They suffered unimaginable atrocities and horrible losses. And less than 100 years later, we are still seeing the exact same dangerous ideology and rhetoric from the people who hold the most power. Under this fascist and hate filled regime, Neo-Nazi terrorists and radical hate groups are emerging from the shadows. They are openly among us. Stay vigilant and aware, use your voices, votes and compassion. The souls lost to the Holocaust and the remaining survivors, deserve peace. And clearly, some of them are not at rest and they want their stories heard. History must not and cannot repeat itself. 

Detail shots of the mirror, the faces have been circled.


“The Four Seasons Lodge”, documentary, 2009, Amazon Prime.