Peaceful Pagan Person

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Beltane Celebrations

Beltane Altar, 2020.

Beltane Altar Jar: flowers, dried sage, crystals, strawberry offering.

Tarot Cards representing the sun. Left: The Illuminated Tarot Deck. Right: Astrosoul Oracle Deck.

The earth is beginning to emerge from its winter slumber, the light lasts longer and flowers and plants are starting to bloom. Beltane is upon us! The word “Beltane,” derived from Gaelic, means bright fire. Beltane is a Celtic spring sabbat in pagan culture, celebrating the coming of spring, warmth and fertility. Non-pagan folks may also be familiar with these customs through May Day, which comes from pagan roots. Beltane can be celebrated subtly or elaborately. Regardless of your religious or spiritual preferences, some of these holiday customs can be celebrated by all. This is the perfect time of year to open your windows, clean and bring fresh air and energy into your home. Planting seeds is also an environmentally friendly way to celebrate the earth and have a hand in growing something beautiful. You can also make a May Pole and dance or play around it (this is especially great for little ones). May Poles are decorated with brightly colored ribbons. This actually stems from pagan roots and was originally a phallic symbol representing fertility, but it has been adapted into mainstream culture as an innocent family friendly activity, celebrating spring. Another way to celebrate this holiday is to cook / bake traditional Beltane dishes, such as homemade herb bread, salads, fresh fruit, cheese danishes and fruit cobblers.

Pagans often partake in the aforementioned spring customs, but generally have more spiritually centered practices in addition. Witchy ways to celebrate include bonfires, burning incense and candle magick, which represent warmth and passion, fertility prayers / spells and sex magick. Prosperity rituals and spells are often potent during this time as well. Some pagans may choose to work with the fae (fairies), which are elemental beings that are closely linked to nature. Beltane, and spring in general, is very good time to start researching and attracting the fae. (Be sure to research fully before taking this step, as innocent and silly as fairies sound to some, they are entities that deserve respect and you do not want to cross the nature spirits!)

There are several altar tools that are especially beneficial during this time / represent spring. Aventurine, rose quartz, citrine and carnelian crystals are all great choices to work with for Beltane. They are happy healing stones that can assist in general blessings / cleansing rituals, fertility and luck workings. Cauldrons and bells represent the swell of a pregnant belly and can be incorporated into your Beltane celebrations, especially if you are working with fertility themes. I created a Beltane Jar as part of my rituals this year (pictured) and filled it with flowers, crystals, dried sage and a fresh strawberry as an offering. I will be working with it at my altar on May 1! You can make one yourself with materials already in your home! Divination is also widely practiced on all sabbats. Doing a tarot or oracle card reading can help you introspectively, by helping guide you on what to work on this spring, or themes that will be useful for problem solving. 

However you choose to celebrate Beltane, I hope you enjoy it and stay safe!! Check below for a custom made Beltane tarot spread I have created for the occasion! If you use the spread, please share your results on Instagram and use the hashtag #peacefulpaganperson!

Original Beltane Divination Spread.