Peaceful Pagan Person

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Celebrating Mabon

My Mabon spaces

Summer is coming to an end, the leaves and temperatures have started dropping on the east coast! Today brings us the Autumn Equinox, which is the first day of fall. On this day, we experience an equal balance of lightness and darkness, before the night outweighs the day. This event is widely celebrated by witches and pagans and is also known as the holiday, Mabon. This is the second sabbat out of the three harvest festivals. Mabon has widely been celebrated, as this is the time when the harvest is most abundant. Mabon is also referred to as “the witch’s thanksgiving.” As with most modern holidays, Thanksgiving was appropriated from pagan culture and was originally celebrated at the beginning of October, after the harvest which would have been around the date of Mabon.  

Mabon, and fall in general, is such a special time of the year. This is my absolute favorite season, and my favorite holidays are all in the fall / winter! Mabon is an especially warm and welcoming holiday. It gives us an opportunity to appreciate and reflect upon our hard work from the year. It’s a time to gather together with family and friends and celebrate the fruits of our labor, both figuratively and literally. Having a large feast, or even a simple home cooked meal, and decorating with fall or Halloween décor are great ways to bring that beautiful fall energy into your home! All the foods and flowers that are in season can be incorporated into your Mabon celebrations! 

The fall season is dear to me in many ways, including my deep connection to my astrological sign, the Libra (Peaceful Pagan Person matches my Libra ways and identity to the letter!). The colors and atmosphere in upstate New York this time of the year are truly magical. I have wanted to live here for many years and we are lucky to have found our dream home, surrounded by acres of woods and changing leaves. My husband, our dogs and I moved here last October, just in time for my birthday. In the September prior to our move, we were downsizing,  packing and house hunting in preparation for our cross country move. Now that we are fully settled, I am so excited to celebrate my favorite holidays! I am beginning my day with pumpkin spice coffee and a walk in the woods with my dogs. This afternoon, I’m making a beautiful dinner that we will share in the evening. The main dish is vegetable quinoa soup, accompanied by garlic mashed potatoes, bakery baked bread, freshly cut apples and peaches and homemade caramel apple pie.  

While I will take any excuse to cook tasty dinners and delectable desserts, Mabon is also a very spiritual and magical day for me. I spend a lot of time at my altar, doing divination readings and protection / prosperity workings. I love soaking in the beautiful energy of the season. My altar this year features a corn husk doll, Citrine and Smoky Quartz points, a Honey Calcite sphere, fresh flowers and a mixture of real and decorative pumpkins. I work with candles and fire a lot on this day too, to honor the ancient bonfire aspects of Mabon and to appreciate the warmth and power of the element. 

If you celebrate Mabon, I wish you blessings and hope you have a magical day! If you are simply excited for the coming of fall, I hope it’s wonderful and full of beauty and adventure!