Peaceful Pagan Person

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New Moon in Leo, Confronting Our Shadow Selves

Decks: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards & the Smith-Waite Tarot Deck, the Centennial Edition

This week, we experienced the new moon in Leo, which is the last new moon of the summer! Fall is on its way! The new moon cycles offer us a chance to reset and start fresh, to begin planting our intentions and setting goals. The energy is generally soothing and refreshing, although this lunar alignment felt a bit heavy. The Leo energy encourages us to turn inward for self-reflection and to dive into shadow work. Shadow work is acknowledging the darker, more wicked sides of ourselves, and putting in the effort, time and work necessary for us to heal and progress spirituality. There is a balance within the universe of light and dark, human nature is no exception.

Shadow work can take shape in a variety of ways- there is no one set method. Common practices include journaling, dream recall / dream journaling, and divination readings. These tools turn our gaze inward and help us broaden our perspectives. Herbs that assist with shadow work include sage, cinnamon, and lavender. They cleanse and calm the space, filling it with loving energy and clarity. Crystals that aid us as we confront our issues are Selenite, Amethyst and Labradorite. These stones heighten our intuition, purify our energies and offer us comfort, as we tend to our inner struggles and face those unpleasant quirks that we want, and need, to change. Sometimes our most powerful breakthroughs come from confronting those feelings and putting in the hard work to shift our energy. It is important not to ignore or suppress our shadow nature, as this can fuel toxic patterns or behaviors that prevent us from healing and moving forward. Be cautious as you undertake your shadow work, the energy from Leo can enhance self-doubt or insecurity when confronting issues within ourselves, in contrast to its otherwise confident and self-assured energy.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣

The tarot card accompanying this alignment is the King of Swords, which is completely in tune with the new moon energy and the astrological aspects of this cycle. This card is calling upon us to overcome our struggles and insecurities, to do the work, which leads us back to that confident Leo energy. Combined with that confidence, the King of Swords is encouraging us to make informed, calculated decisions, with a balanced mind. Making informed decisions involves both logic and intuition, as well as spirituality. It is important to stay open minded and to have fresh, flexible perspectives. Because of this balance between logic and intuition, the King of Swords brings with him mental clarity and an empathetic, authoritative energy. ⁣⁣

As we prepare for winter and the darker months, be patient and caring toward yourself and your own inner darkness. Changes do not happen overnight, taking the first steps leads to progress.