New Moon Birthday Magic

Decks” The Living Wheel Astrology Cards & Cosmic Whisper Rune Deck

Decks” The Living Wheel Astrology Cards & Cosmic Whisper Rune Deck

Yesterday was my birthday, as well as a beautiful new moon in Libra- the energy was palpable. I strongly connect with my zodiac and I love new moons! They offer us a burst of refreshing energy, giving us the opportunity to start fresh and set our intentions for the month. Since the Libra sign is associated with justice and balance, the energy of this cycle is calling upon us to work toward justice and equality and to convey empathy through our actions and words. This is especially important with the upcoming election; you are voting not only for yourself, but for those who are not as privileged, those who the system has failed and those whose human rights are at stake. It is crucial to step outside yourself to help others, especially when we enjoy rights that are so uncertain for many. This month, I challenged myself to consider the big picture when creating my new moon intentions and to fully sink into that Libra energy. I want to use my influence and account to create a safe space and to make my voice heard this election. 2020 has been such a chaotic and overwhelmingly negative year, we need to move forward and create a better future.

Keeping these concepts in mind and pondering what I can do right this moment to contribute, I pulled a rune card as my birthday reading. I drew the Eihwaz. It is connected to the magic and mysteries of life / death, the afterlife, longevity and endurance. It also represents transformation and the ascension to higher enlightenment. How fitting is this rune for a birthday reading? I am still in awe! I have always been passionate about social justice issues and human rights, but lately I have been so wrapped up in work, running my business and traveling, I feel a bit out of touch with my practice and passions. This rune is a wonderful call to action, and a reminder about what is truly important in life, and especially this moment. I need to contribute more to my community and to use my voice for the greater good. The reading taking place on my birthday, on the new moon and weeks before the election, is all interconnected. I have much to think about, much to research and more to contribute. I encourage you to do the same. 🖤


Gruss vom Krampus


Celebrating Mabon