Make Your Own Magic.


Check out our blog entries below to see photography, tarot & book reviews, interviews, witchy tips & creative challenges! 

Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

I’m With You in the Darkness, a Demonic Haunting

I’m no stranger to paranormal happenings. Ever since I was young, I have been both sensitive and fascinated by ghosts and hauntings. When I was a kid and stayed home “sick”, my dad and I would binge all those cheesy haunting shows from the 90s and early 00s, which I still love and watch to this day. I can feel the energy imprinted in spaces, and entities and beings often make themselves known to me. Generally, I have clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities, meaning I have auditory experiences in my conscious environment and I can physically feel unseen beings and their emotions in my space. Occasionally, I receive visions or dreams, often quick little glimpses of spliced memories that are not my own. Sometimes this energy is a reverberation of trauma or abuse. Other times, it’s the homey energy of someone who loved a place so much, that they returned in the afterlife (as in my home, which is filled with loving and protective spirits, that are attached to the property and more specifically, the house).


 Chapter I: Night Terrors  

Because of these capabilities, I knew right away that my boyfriend’s apartment was haunted from the very beginning. We had been friends for many years and eventually, we began a long distance relationship. I was living in New York City at the time and he was in our hometown in Nebraska. I had come back twice to visit for a few days at a time before moving back to the Midwest and I had paranormal experiences in the space right away. The energy felt off and I could feel multiple presences. There were inexplicable bursts of cold air, the feeling of being watched, and the slightest of movements out the corner of my eye. I had even said to him, “So… You know this place is haunted, right?” He said it wasn’t because he was sensitive (he was not) and would have felt it if it was (he did not). 


The building looked to be 20s era, with Art Deco architecture. In this particular apartment, the activity seemed to stem from the front doors, which were huge floor to ceiling, heavy wooden doors with intricate woodwork. There was an outside door and a small entry way before the doors that actually led into the apartment. I didn’t know then what I know now, but having had numerous paranormal experiences since then and delving deeply into research and my own witchcraft practice, I believe it was a portal. The energy was inconsistent, sometimes it felt active but fine, and other times the atmosphere was heavy and unnerving. There was something deeply wrong energetically and I, and my dog, could feel it.


After we moved in, the activity escalated very quickly, over the course of just a few months. I had visited in September and October, before moving in with my dog, Beazles, in November. Our last day in the apartment was a few days after Christmas, after we were forced to break the lease because of the intense and dangerous paranormal phenomena. 


The night terrors started immediately, beginning during my first visit. I have PTSD and I’ve experienced night terrors of black figures hovering around me for years, but these night terrors were distinctly different. Instead of dark shapes on the outskirts of my peripherals, I had visions of people trying to get into the space from the front door, watching me with an evolved conscious. I woke up screaming during both visits and scared the absolute shit out of my new partner. It’s fairly alarming when you’re sleeping and someone new is sleeping next to you, and they start thrashing around, disturbing the space with guttural, blood curdling screams. (Talk about embarrassing.)   


The night terrors became more frequent and intense after I moved in. During these episodes, the entities were no longer just staring at me, they began opening the door and crossing over, INTO the space. They looked like people, but it was a facade. They were trying too hard to blend in and something felt terribly off. Their bodies were stiff and their movements were jerky and unnatural. Their eyes were sunken and scary, hyper observant and alive. I could see them and I knew it in my bones that they could see me. The first one that actually crossed the threshold into our apartment was a man on crutches. He was walking and then stopped and slowly turned to face me, staring as I stared back. He was unnaturally tall and wasn’t limping or relying on the crutches, I think it was a faulty projection to make it seem like a person with human experiences. We locked eyes and then he smiled a horrible, menacing smile and began walking toward the bedroom, toward me. I woke up screaming and chaos quickly ensued.


Chapter II: Physical Distress & Sickness


I dreamt of many other entities whose features I don’t recall, but I specifically remember one posing as a woman, who was looking in the windows on the front doors (keep in mind that the doors were gigantic and the windows were at the very top, making all these entities extremely, irregularly, tall). She kept staring into the apartment and then looking down toward what would have been the height of a child. I saw her trying to pull them through the doorway. I woke up and was terrified that I was seeing more and more entities successfully entering our apartment. I later found out that Anthony had dreamt of a child’s shadow in the doorway the same night, and had woken up shortly before I started screaming.  


A couple days later, I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. As I was washing my face, with my eyes closed, I felt a tug on my shorts. Two distinct pulls, as if a small child was trying to get my attention. I froze and quickly rinsed the soap from my face before opening my eyes and felt the presence still, but saw nothing visible. I thought it was a young boy who was trapped and trying to communicate with me. I fell for the ruse, as so many people do, because it was not a child. It was not a benign, sweet lost soul seeking comfort. The moment it touched me, I got very, very sick for two straight weeks. I couldn’t keep anything down, I was vomiting every single day multiple times a day and started to lose weight. And my vertigo disorder, which had been managed before I moved, struck again with a vengeance. I was waking up around 3am often with full vertigo spins. I was so sick that I couldn’t leave the apartment. It was feeding on my energy and wasn’t letting me leave. Anthony was working 12+ hour shifts as a bartender and I was often alone until 4 or 5am.


By this point, my Beazles’ entire demeanor changed. He was constantly alert, nervous and guarding me, always fixating on the door and never turning his back to it. He wasn’t as spunky as he had been before we moved and seemed perpetually stressed. He was my dog in high school and grew up in parents’ home and he absolutely adored Anthony, so it wasn’t out of jealousy or a new environment. Whenever we would take him off the property to go on a walk or visit my parents, he relaxed and went back to his usual self. But the second we returned, his stress returned. Beazles was always extra protective whenever I was sick and his uneasiness continued to grow after I wasn’t getting better and after the bruises and dark red scratches showed up. 


The scratches and bruises bloomed all over my body, mostly in places I couldn’t reach or strange places- across my back and shoulders, in particular, I would find huge brown-green bruises on the back of my upper arms. I had always bitten my nails down to the nub, up until quite recently, and I knew there was no way I could create or replicate the long, deep scratches- I tried. I was also experiencing extremely vivid, graphic visions of self-harm and suicide. The thoughts were planted in my mind and I would find myself seeing the same violent, bloody image over and over. I was exhausted and physically beaten down. I couldn’t eat or sleep and slipped into an intense depression. 



 Chapter III: Auditory Confrontation 


I tried to rest and take naps whenever I could, but no matter how tired I was, I could never fully sleep. The first real auditory experience I had in the apartment came as I laid down for a nap, around 5 pm in the evening. The bedroom door was open and I could see the main doors from our bed. I started to drift off but was still conscious of my surroundings, aware of the cars passing by and the rain falling just outside the bedroom window. I could still move, and was in a strange in between place- I wasn’t experiencing sleep paralysis, nor was I dreaming, but I also wasn’t entirely awake. Instead of sleep, I transitioned into an elevated conscious in a way that I hadn’t experienced before. I knew that I had found a tear in the fabric of this world and was crossing into an unknown dimension. It should have scared me but I was fascinated. 


I heard a voice speaking to me, soft and low. The sound was faint and fuzzy, I followed it and waded through static. I couldn’t quite make it out at first. Everything was black, it was a solely auditory experience. I listened intently and tried to mentally tune the vibrations to get a clearer connection, as one would do with an old radio. A male voice said, “I’m with you. I’m in the darkness and I’m with you.” It was suspiciously soft and caring on the surface, but something was off; the phrasing was predatory- I didn’t trust it. Filled with unease, I began tuning out the voice, but it started speaking more forcefully and more clearly, “You can’t ignore me.”  I felt threatened and was beginning to feel frightened. I moved away and tried to tune it out. Then it screamed loudly, “You can never ignore me!” before laughing menacingly and mockingly. Everything was still black, and sounds came from all directions, it engulfed me and all I could hear and feel was this angry voice and evil, condescending laugh. 


At the exact moment the entity stopped speaking, the static erupted into a chorus of completely clear screams and cries. I broke into a reality that I didn’t understand (although now, as mentioned, I am almost certain it was a portal, and / or there were many spirits trapped by this dominant entity.) Despite all my experiences and physical attacks, I thought I was dealing with an angry spirit, and not something more sinister, but it was in this moment that it all became clear: it wasn’t a ghost, it was demonic.


My eyes snapped open and my dog was on full alert, staring intently at the doorway. Anthony was kind but dismissive of my experiences, even though he had corresponding, but mild, incidents. I found out later that he had a dream and heard static the night before my auditory experience, just as he had dreamed of a child’s shadow in the doorway, at the same time as my night terror. 


Chapter IV: Nightmare Attack 


It made me doubt myself and I started to wonder if I was imagining it. I was depressed having left New York, which is my favorite place in the world, and the transition back into Nebraska was not smooth or joyous. As grateful for Anthony as I was, I did not want to be there. My sister was very sick and I thought we were going to lose her, so I left my favorite city behind and moved back to be there for my family, particularly my nephew. I was so mentally and physically battered that I finally snapped. The final straw came from my own arrogance. I tried to assert dominance by saying, “If you’re here, give me a concrete sign. We have to coexist, or you need to leave.” (Pro tip, don’t do that.)


That night, I went to sleep and suffered an extremely violent night terror, which turned physical. I felt panicked in the dream and was unable to move. I watched in complete horror, as massive black spikes slowly pushed through the wall and in between our latticed rod iron bed frame, directly into my neck and the base of my head. They moved slowly, intentionally, to prolong my fear. I was feeling a hot searing pain as I was laying down but I was also watching from above and seeing myself from this demonic entity’s perspective. I felt the blades pierce my skin and was desperately trying to wake Anthony, who was sleeping soundly and didn’t see the spikes coming toward him. 


I woke up screaming and felt a force underneath my body, holding me down by my stomach and hips. I was frantically trying to get up, all the while feeling a horrible pain in my neck and burning across my stomach. The air was heavy and oppressive, the alarm clock read 3:15 am. We turned on the lights and I couldn’t move my neck, which felt terribly stiff and sore, and was hot to the touch. I lifted up my shirt and saw three deep scratches on either side, as if someone was grabbing me from behind. The scratches were very unusual and appeared to be under the skin,where they stayed visible for well over a week. This was the moment where Anthony finally sensed its presence and knew that I was being attacked. We grabbed the essentials and fled to my parents’ house with Beazles in the middle of the night. I had returned just briefly to grab more clothes a couple days later and felt the entity stalking me, following right behind. As I stepped out the door, it shoved me and I nearly tripped down the steps. 


That was the last time I actually set foot in the apartment. We ended up breaking the lease and Anthony took care of the cleaning and packing  alone, grudgingly. He had spoken to the caretaker of the building and asked if anyone else had strange experiences, which he denied. And whether he wanted to admit it or not, he doubted me after this conversation. He knew the apartment was haunted but tried to downplay the severity. I had moved in with my parents immediately following my injuries and felt unsupported. I told him he could stay, but that I would be gone. He ultimately chose me, but it was a point of contention in our relationship for quite a long time. 


Chapter V: Demon Revelation 


The attack was shortly after Christmas and we were invited to a New Year’s party a few days later. Anthony had forgotten something at the apartment, as we weren’t fully moved out by this point. He pulled up to the building and ran in, while Beazles and I stayed in the car. He parked right in front of the door. I could feel its energy right away and knew it was watching me from just a few feet away. I couldn’t help but stare, I couldn’t look away. A black mass began to form and I spotted a pair of intense, crimson red eyes. 


At first, I thought it was a reflection from Christmas lights across the street, since it was during the holidays. I glanced over and saw that there were only white lights, and that they were too far away to be reflected. When I looked back, its billowing shape slowly filled the entire doorway, and it was blacker and denser than the dark winter sky. Beazles tensed up and began to tremble, and I knew then that he had seen it too. I was filled with a horrible sense of dread and foreboding and it had me locked in its hypnotic gaze. By the time Anthony emerged, it had dissipated, receding into the night without a trace.  


That was the last time I ever returned to the area and the only time I saw it in its true form. Anthony came back that week and finished cleaning and moving everything out. Just before he left for the final time, he felt a presence behind him. He whipped around and saw a shimmering mirage of energy, just for a second. When he returned back to my parents’ house, I found several scratches on the base of his neck. He finally experienced a tangible taste of what I’d been through. 


I think about this entire demonic haunting often. I am still completely intrigued and bewildered that I experienced such a thing. It was one of the most terrifying and intense periods of my life. And unsurprisingly, given my affinity for the occult and all things paranormal, it did not dissuade me from paganism and witchcraft. In fact, it was a defining moment that prompted my journey. If I was thrown into the same situation now, I would be much, much better equipped to handle it and would be way less surprised by its intensity. But no matter how experienced I am, or anyone else, caution is an absolute must when diving into the paranormal. There are forces outside our dimension and understanding that need to be taken seriously and respected. There are multitudes of universes and dimensions, just beyond the veil,  that we can’t begin to understand. Always be alert and be careful if  you ever hear something go bump in the night. 

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

So Long, Don’t Let Anybody Pass You: a Memorial for Kenneth Wayne Thomas


For someone who loves ghosts, coffins, skulls and creepy things in general, I handle death terribly. Some people are stoic and composed. I’m not absolutely not one of those people. I fall to pieces, hyperventilate and sob uncontrollably. You will never be fully prepared to watch the last breath pass the lips of a person you love dearly, and I was not at all prepared to lose my Grandpa Ken. I got the news that he was on a ventilator after a surgery and that he wasn’t going to make it. I, and other out of town family, jumped on the quickest available flights and made it in time to say goodbye and was there when he passed. He lived a great life and was almost 96 years old, but it’s a devastating loss to all who knew him, nonetheless. When reflecting on his life, he would frequently say, “We don’t know the minute, the hour or the day... but if I died tomorrow, I’ve had a good life.” And he did. He found my grandmother, the love of his life, and created a big family. He missed her horribly after she passed, I take comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering or mourning and they are reunited once more. They had 6 boys, a slew of grandchildren and two great grandchildren. When he passed, he was surrounded by family.

We had always been close. He used to yell at my dad for saying the F word in front of me, which is a very funny thought, given my highly colorful vocabulary. Once, my dad said, “you should hear her, she swears like a sailor!” To which my grandpa replied, “Now why would he say that?” And I said, “I haven’t the faintest idea, Grandpa. I just don’t know why he would say such a thing.” I threw my dad under the bus and delighted in doing so! Ken and my dad had a very special bond and my dad was his primary caretaker. One of the last things I told him, was that I would take care of Jim (my dad) and that we all loved him so much. He was a compassionate and genuine soul, who instilled a deep love for animals (especially dogs) and Folk/Americana music in me. I loved listening to Johnny Cash and John Prine with him. He had a favorites playlist my Aunt made, that we listened to in the hospital. I will miss our music sessions and I will miss the way he used to stand on the porch and wave, saying, “So long, don’t let anybody pass you on the way home!”

After he passed, my uncle Phil said to all of us in the room, “not too bad for a skinny poor kid.” It was a perfect, funny thing to say, following such a heavy loss, and he was entirely right. Ken created an incredible life for himself and his family. He grew up very poor but was a family-oriented person and an extremely hard worker. He was a Navy veteran, serving in both WWII and the Korean War, and went on to have a long and successful career with USPS, before enjoying a well deserved retirement. He took pride in his service and spoke of his time with the Navy fondly, and often, as I was growing up. He was a Signalman and knew all the signs for the remainder of his life and would show us the motions and explain what each one meant. From his warm smile and goofy, witty jokes, you would never know the extent of violence, death and fear he witnessed while serving. He told me once a few years ago that his memories from the war haunted him still and that he sometimes woke up from nightmares. It was always remarkable to me that someone could carry that heavy burden and trauma and still have such a grateful and bright outlook on life. It was only in recent years that he detailed some of those experiences to me and my heart broke for him.

He was actually given a special award, the Bronze Star Medal after WWII, for leaving his post while the ship was under attack and saving eight of his fellow crewman. Part of the letter read, “He is solely responsible for saving the lives of eight injured sailors on that evening...His skill, courage, bravery and unswerving devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.” Ken served on the U.S.S Abbot DD 629, which was later renamed the U.S.S Sullivans DD 537. The ship is preserved as a naval museum in Buffalo, New York. I had the privilege of visiting it with him in 2013 for a college photo project I was doing about his Navy days. It’s a trip and memory that I will cherish forever. He was emotional when we arrived, understandably so, but took so much joy in showing my Uncle Brian and me the ins and outs of the ship, the exact bunk where he slept and the Signalman Tower he manned daily. He got such a kick out of showing me how to use the light. The pride for serving his country stayed with him until his last breath.

Toward the end of his life, Ken told us, “No one can tell me what happens when we die.” Grandpa, I don’t have the answer. I can’t tell you what happens, but I’ve had enough spiritual and paranormal experiences to know that energy imprints and lingers, and that love is everlasting. Death is not the end. The soul continues on when it’s time to leave our vessels; whether that’s in the form of reincarnation or a beautiful paradise beyond the veil, I can’t be certain. But know that we are waving to you with love, Grandpa. So long, and don’t let anybody pass you on the way home.

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

A Haunting Message: Reflections of the Ages


Haunted objects are imprinted with energy, messages and wisdom from many years and many lifetimes. There is something to be learned from each one. I’ve had numerous paranormal experiences, but not until relatively recently have I ever experienced an actual haunted object. The paranormal experiences I’ve had have certainly broadened my perspectives, altered me to the vast unknowns of our dimension, and others, and have helped me grow as a person and spiritual practitioner. Some of my encounters have been absolutely terrifying and dangerous, and some have been beautiful. All were unplanned. But no matter what, I have always been completely mystified, intrigued and enamored with the paranormal, even after I recovered from a demonic attack (okay, maybe not- definitely not- enamored with that one, more like ravaged, battered and scared as hell, but I was definitely still curious).   

I didn’t have any experiences with haunted objects specifically until I relocated to the east coast, and after we moved into our paranormally active home, which was built in 1890. There are spirits that reside here and there are spirits attached to items that came with the house, including a mirror and a very beautiful, very spooky armoire. The energy is peaceful and at times, mischievous. I’ve caught an apparition on camera, as well as orbs in photos and videos, and have had several other experiences that weren’t documented. 

Recently, we found an old mirror from the 1880s in an antique store in Kingston, New York. The store has an astounding four floors, filled floor to ceiling with mysterious treasures, all in varying conditions. The mirror is quite large, tired and tarnished, but it’s also incredibly beautiful and alluring- it called to us right away. Coincidentally, the newly acquired mirror matches the (other) haunted mirror that came with the house, which is partially why we chose this one. We actually think they were both created by the same local carpenter. It was unlikely that large mirrors were being regularly imported here in the 1800s. At the time it was made, applying silver to the glass was common practice, as glass itself is not reflective. Antique silver mirrors, such as ours, often have dark lines behind the glass, scuffs and tarnished spots because the material was coated very thinly and unevenly, causing it to wear and tear with age. This mirror is almost 150 years old, it has seen a tremendous amount in its time and has a story to tell.

When we brought it in and hung it up, it became clear immediately that it was a haunted object. We have it next to the front door, diagonal from the steps leading upstairs. The energy around the mirror is palpable, I can actually feel it buzzing in my hands and fingertips whenever I walk by. It holds a feminine presence. Sometimes, it feels like someone is watching me walk up the stairs and the dogs have taken an interest in it, too. We have only had it for about a week and a half and it’s already EXTREMELY active. I have had multiple experiences, but the most moving and profound paranormal experience I’ve ever had, came the first night. It left me awed, overwhelmed and in tears.

I had a spiritual download, through a hyper-vivid dream about the harrowing events a family faced during World War II. I’ve never had a spiritual download before, but I was aware of it within the spiritual community. I was essentially watching a reel of their experiences, like a movie. It was heart wrenching to watch something that I intuitively and with certainty know occurred, and to be completely powerless to intercede in the past. In all my paranormal encounters, I have never experienced anything like this before. The family was Jewish. There was a mother and father, and three children- two girls and one boy, elementary aged and/or young teens. I first saw them hiding in a dark space, either a basement or an attic, there were no windows. They were huddled together, when the door was kicked open and the room filled with obtrusive light. The family was seized by Nazi soldiers. I got the impression that they had been in hiding for weeks. 

The family tried to stay together but were forcefully separated. As I watched in horror, the mother, father and son were each taken separately from one another, the girls were together. They were all screaming and crying, as they were loaded into train cars like animals, en route to concentration camps. I watched the girls peeking through cracks in the overcrowded train car. The scene shifted, and I saw the sisters make an attempted escape. I don’t know how much time had passed. They wore dirty matted clothes and were emaciated, crawling in the mud down a bank, I couldn’t see if they were within the confines of the concentration camp or if they had broken free. 

The two were shaking with fear and crouched low in the grass, in a hole of some kind. They almost went undetected but were spotted and recaptured, as a Nazi solider struggled to crawl toward them, with more following. I felt a horrible wave of defeated energy and desperation. The final scene of the dream showed the two sisters being violently ripped away from one another. Their faces were contorted in agony, their mud covered fingers desperately reaching out to try to cling to one another. Before they could touch, I woke up. After they were separated, I feel the younger one had met her end, and the older teen survived the war. I didn’t see the parents or the brother again after the initial dream sequence, but felt the deep aching sadness of loss. I know they didn’t make it. 

I witnessed a Holocaust survivor lose her whole family. I woke up groggy and sobbing, both disturbed and humbled. After waking, I had not fully realized the magnitude of what I had just experienced until further contemplation and research. There is a heaviness in my chest and I feel the lump in my throat whenever I think about it, which has been constant since it happened. After I spent a few days sifting through my feelings and digesting the intense and unexpected information I received, I stood in front of the mirror and thought, “if you are here, show me.” No sooner had I formed the words, I felt someone gently poke the top of my head! I took photos of the mirror shortly after and found faces permanently etched in the glass, through the tarnished silver! There is a profile view of a woman’s face, and two gargoyle-like faces (photos for reference). I had just cleaned the glass prior to telepathically connecting with the mirror, so the imagery is not from dirt. Since then, doors and cabinets have started opening mysteriously and things have been moving around. Today, a heavy brass candleholder was knocked over, with a loud clatter. I also saw movement out the corner of my eye in the kitchen, but when I whipped around, whatever it was had disappeared.

The level of the activity in general and more importantly, the dream, have prompted me to research Holocaust survivors and their stories. I needed to find out if there was any information on Jewish folks relocating to upstate New York specifically. My discoveries backed up everything I had seen. Prior to researching, I knew that a large amount of survivors emigrated to New York City after the war. What I didn’t know, was that a sizable population relocated to the Catskill Mountains, which is about an hour away from where we live. It is entirely possible, and to me- probable, that a survivor had the mirror at one point in the Catskills or another surrounding area, where it eventually ended up in in the antique shop in Kingston, an hour away from the mountains and 15 minutes away from me. 

The other piece of this intricate puzzle, is the timing. We got the mirror just a few days ahead of the Trump induced, riot-rampage at the capital, where there were openly hostile, anti-Semitic terrorists/racists and six casualties. It’s no coincidence that this mirror came to me, at the time it did, with this vivid message from the survivor. They suffered unimaginable atrocities and horrible losses. And less than 100 years later, we are still seeing the exact same dangerous ideology and rhetoric from the people who hold the most power. Under this fascist and hate filled regime, Neo-Nazi terrorists and radical hate groups are emerging from the shadows. They are openly among us. Stay vigilant and aware, use your voices, votes and compassion. The souls lost to the Holocaust and the remaining survivors, deserve peace. And clearly, some of them are not at rest and they want their stories heard. History must not and cannot repeat itself. 

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

2020: The Tower & the Ten of Cups


The end of 2020 is finally here. I think we are all ready to flip the page and end this chapter. We are all tired, we are ragged and we deserve better. Collectively, 2020 has been a catastrophic year of immense, tumultuous change. We have been hit with a global pandemic, unprecedented circumstances, and seemingly infinite amounts of chaos and fear. We are surviving, not living, surviving, a historic era where leadership and empathy are lacking disasterously, belief in science and logic is wavering and people are suffering and dying in a divided, hate filled country. The weight of these times press down on all of us; it’s impossible to ignore. We have been shaped by the pandemic and will carry these experiences for a lifetime. We miss our friends and family and the everyday nuances we took for granted. Time itself has shifted, at least personally, the days and hours all melt together. It’s felt like the longest year ever.  

I have tried to be as productive as possible during this bizarre time and to make the most out of my solitude - diving into divination, reading more and creating more. Tarot has been particularly helpful to me. I do a large New Year’s tarot spread each year and journal as part of my closing rituals. What a wild, wild ride it’s been. The first prompt of the tarot spread was, “What were my biggest achievements for 2020?” Two cards fell out of my hands, the Tower and the Ten of Cups, which completely contradict one another but are also completely accurate, because you know, 2020. The Tower is the dumpster fire card of the tarot world, symbolizing chaos, upheaval and revelations through hard lessons. The Ten of Cups is a blissful card, representing happiness/harmony, alignment and stability within the home. Collectively, it’s been the worst year in my lifetime, but personally, 2020 has been a year of growth and fulfillment, after initially being knocked on my ass and struggling. Hard. The Tower juxtaposed against the Ten of Cups demonstrates the tension between where I was when the pandemic/quarantine started and where I am now. The rest of the cards reflected my experiences just as perfectly, with an overarching theme of perseverance, creative growth, and embracing and overcoming obstacles.

Everything is different and my life and headspace are completely different than before the pandemic. Days before Covid hit, I broke my ankle and tore a ligament by missing a single step (which now seems like a pretty good indicator of what the year had in store). We were already tight financially, having just moved cross country a couple months prior, and at the time, I had horrible health insurance and we took a major financial hit. The strain affected our marriage and my mental health. I was on bed rest for eight weeks and was unable to make new work for my shop, another financial loss. I started skipping dosages on my antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications to space it out so the prescriptions lasted longer, which of course didn’t work and had major consequences. Then the whole world shut down simultaneously. It was bizarre and scary to experience it all at once, although I was already confined to my house and didn’t have a full grasp of the seriousness of the situation or the implications on everyday life.

We were able to scrape by through unemployment and my husband’s work as a package delivery driver picked up substantially awhile later. My ankle healed over several months and we recovered from my medical bills. I grew my business Instagram account while on bed rest and am EXTREMELY lucky to be part of the witchcraft community. I am thankful for my customers, followers and friends I’ve met along the way- a large blessing from this year. Over the summer, I took a job as a social media specialist for a witchy shop that I love, in addition to running my own business. I worked hard to get it and work hard everyday, but I still consider myself lucky to have it. We are both EXTREMELY lucky to have jobs that we love, ways to pay the bills and a warm home to retreat to. We are no longer living paycheck to paycheck and relying on savings. We are privileged to have made it to this point and are doing our best to be conscious and compassionate, to use our voices politically, and to donate funds/shop small. We have a tough year ahead, but there is hope for a better future if we work together and support one another in any way that we are able. 2020 has taught me a lot, it’s shifted my perspectives, flipped my world upside down and shattered my comfort zones. It has been horrible, yet fulfilling. Uncertain, yet stabilizing. It has been the year of the Tower and the Ten of Cups. 

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

Gruss vom Krampus


Yule is upon us! It’s the season of joy, celebration and winter festivities. There are gifts under the tree and carols drifting from the radio, as we settle in for the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Will you be paid a visit from St. Nicholas or the Krampus?  “He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows if you’ve been bad or good... So be good or an ancient pagan demon monster will beat you with birch switches, toss you into a scratchy satchel bag and drag you into the depths of hell, where you will meet a fiery and untimely demise.”

The Krampus, a Yuletide demon, is here to terrorize and deliver some holiday style vigilante justice to wicked children (looking at you, Trump). The Krampus has Germanic roots and was born through pagan rituals celebrating Yule. His name derives from the German word Krampen, which translates to “claw.” The Krampus is an ancient Norse deity, the son of the goddess Hel, who rules the underworld. Unlike St. Nicholas, with his jubilant suit, rosy cheeks, broad smile and plump belly, the Krampus is a menacing hoofed creature with gnarled horns, beastly wild hair, sharp teeth, a long spindly tongue and crimson skin. The anti-St. Nicholas also dons heavy black chains, dark bells and a satchel full of birch switches to wallop children who have misbehaved over the year. 

Sound familiar? It is believed that the concept of Krampus was assimilated into Christianity as the wrathful Devil (the Krampus also looks very similar to how the Devil is depicted in tarot cards). Christianity appropriated many pagan customs and traditions, as a marketing ploy to assimilate pagan heathens into their religion. The church attempted to ban Krampus, but the spirit of this festive demon persisted for centuries. Grudgingly, the Krampus was incorporated into Christian winter celebrations by pairing him with St. Nicholas.

According to legend, Krampus and St. Nicholas are said to arrive on the evening of December 5th-  Krampusnacht, “Krampus Night”. On this night, Jolly old St. Nicholas rewards benevolent, behaved children by leaving presents, whereas the Krampus beats those who are naughty with scary branches and pointy sticks. If you have been EXTRA naughty, he will stuff you into a bag and haul you off to hell. On the next morning, December 6th, the good children awaken to unwrap their gifts. The bad children receive the gift that keeps on giving- trauma! They are left to nurse their Krampus-inflicted injuries, reckoning with their new demonic childhood trauma and pondering all the poor life choices that led them to this dismal moment in time. This old, terrifying tale is woven into Yuletide culture that still prevails today.

The iconic Krampus has experienced a resurgance over the past few years, thanks to a rise in paganism, the pop culture “bah, humbug” can’t do attitude and depictions in artwork and movies (one of which is my favorite holiday/horror movie of all time- Krampus, which came out in 2015). Modern celebrations in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic, keep the spirit of the Krampus alive through raucous adult festivities, including the Krampuslauf, or “Krampus Run.” Krampuslauf is a drunken party where people dress as the Krampus and chase one another through the streets, as a ridiculous, yet awesome, nod to ancient pagan rituals meant to dispel winter ghosts. You can also find Krampus holiday cards, decor and pagan spiritual tools- I myself have a Krampus themed altar!

Assuming you survive the winter solstice and are not overtaken by the Krampus, remember to wear your mask and don’t be a dick in 2021, and you just might survive another year (literally survive- wear your masks).  Happy Holidays and Gruss vom Krampus, “Greetings from the Krampus!”

My 2020 Yule Altar, complete with Krampus imagery, skulls and my plague doctor.

My 2020 Yule Altar, complete with Krampus imagery, skulls and my plague doctor.

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

New Moon Birthday Magic

Decks” The Living Wheel Astrology Cards & Cosmic Whisper Rune Deck

Decks” The Living Wheel Astrology Cards & Cosmic Whisper Rune Deck

Yesterday was my birthday, as well as a beautiful new moon in Libra- the energy was palpable. I strongly connect with my zodiac and I love new moons! They offer us a burst of refreshing energy, giving us the opportunity to start fresh and set our intentions for the month. Since the Libra sign is associated with justice and balance, the energy of this cycle is calling upon us to work toward justice and equality and to convey empathy through our actions and words. This is especially important with the upcoming election; you are voting not only for yourself, but for those who are not as privileged, those who the system has failed and those whose human rights are at stake. It is crucial to step outside yourself to help others, especially when we enjoy rights that are so uncertain for many. This month, I challenged myself to consider the big picture when creating my new moon intentions and to fully sink into that Libra energy. I want to use my influence and account to create a safe space and to make my voice heard this election. 2020 has been such a chaotic and overwhelmingly negative year, we need to move forward and create a better future.

Keeping these concepts in mind and pondering what I can do right this moment to contribute, I pulled a rune card as my birthday reading. I drew the Eihwaz. It is connected to the magic and mysteries of life / death, the afterlife, longevity and endurance. It also represents transformation and the ascension to higher enlightenment. How fitting is this rune for a birthday reading? I am still in awe! I have always been passionate about social justice issues and human rights, but lately I have been so wrapped up in work, running my business and traveling, I feel a bit out of touch with my practice and passions. This rune is a wonderful call to action, and a reminder about what is truly important in life, and especially this moment. I need to contribute more to my community and to use my voice for the greater good. The reading taking place on my birthday, on the new moon and weeks before the election, is all interconnected. I have much to think about, much to research and more to contribute. I encourage you to do the same. 🖤

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

Celebrating Mabon

My Mabon spaces

My Mabon spaces

Summer is coming to an end, the leaves and temperatures have started dropping on the east coast! Today brings us the Autumn Equinox, which is the first day of fall. On this day, we experience an equal balance of lightness and darkness, before the night outweighs the day. This event is widely celebrated by witches and pagans and is also known as the holiday, Mabon. This is the second sabbat out of the three harvest festivals. Mabon has widely been celebrated, as this is the time when the harvest is most abundant. Mabon is also referred to as “the witch’s thanksgiving.” As with most modern holidays, Thanksgiving was appropriated from pagan culture and was originally celebrated at the beginning of October, after the harvest which would have been around the date of Mabon.  

Mabon, and fall in general, is such a special time of the year. This is my absolute favorite season, and my favorite holidays are all in the fall / winter! Mabon is an especially warm and welcoming holiday. It gives us an opportunity to appreciate and reflect upon our hard work from the year. It’s a time to gather together with family and friends and celebrate the fruits of our labor, both figuratively and literally. Having a large feast, or even a simple home cooked meal, and decorating with fall or Halloween décor are great ways to bring that beautiful fall energy into your home! All the foods and flowers that are in season can be incorporated into your Mabon celebrations! 

The fall season is dear to me in many ways, including my deep connection to my astrological sign, the Libra (Peaceful Pagan Person matches my Libra ways and identity to the letter!). The colors and atmosphere in upstate New York this time of the year are truly magical. I have wanted to live here for many years and we are lucky to have found our dream home, surrounded by acres of woods and changing leaves. My husband, our dogs and I moved here last October, just in time for my birthday. In the September prior to our move, we were downsizing,  packing and house hunting in preparation for our cross country move. Now that we are fully settled, I am so excited to celebrate my favorite holidays! I am beginning my day with pumpkin spice coffee and a walk in the woods with my dogs. This afternoon, I’m making a beautiful dinner that we will share in the evening. The main dish is vegetable quinoa soup, accompanied by garlic mashed potatoes, bakery baked bread, freshly cut apples and peaches and homemade caramel apple pie.  

While I will take any excuse to cook tasty dinners and delectable desserts, Mabon is also a very spiritual and magical day for me. I spend a lot of time at my altar, doing divination readings and protection / prosperity workings. I love soaking in the beautiful energy of the season. My altar this year features a corn husk doll, Citrine and Smoky Quartz points, a Honey Calcite sphere, fresh flowers and a mixture of real and decorative pumpkins. I work with candles and fire a lot on this day too, to honor the ancient bonfire aspects of Mabon and to appreciate the warmth and power of the element. 

If you celebrate Mabon, I wish you blessings and hope you have a magical day! If you are simply excited for the coming of fall, I hope it’s wonderful and full of beauty and adventure!

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

New Moon in Leo, Confronting Our Shadow Selves

Decks: the Living Wheel Astrology Cards & the Smith-Waite Tarot deck, the Centennial Edition


Decks: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards & the Smith-Waite Tarot Deck, the Centennial Edition

This week, we experienced the new moon in Leo, which is the last new moon of the summer! Fall is on its way! The new moon cycles offer us a chance to reset and start fresh, to begin planting our intentions and setting goals. The energy is generally soothing and refreshing, although this lunar alignment felt a bit heavy. The Leo energy encourages us to turn inward for self-reflection and to dive into shadow work. Shadow work is acknowledging the darker, more wicked sides of ourselves, and putting in the effort, time and work necessary for us to heal and progress spirituality. There is a balance within the universe of light and dark, human nature is no exception.

Shadow work can take shape in a variety of ways- there is no one set method. Common practices include journaling, dream recall / dream journaling, and divination readings. These tools turn our gaze inward and help us broaden our perspectives. Herbs that assist with shadow work include sage, cinnamon, and lavender. They cleanse and calm the space, filling it with loving energy and clarity. Crystals that aid us as we confront our issues are Selenite, Amethyst and Labradorite. These stones heighten our intuition, purify our energies and offer us comfort, as we tend to our inner struggles and face those unpleasant quirks that we want, and need, to change. Sometimes our most powerful breakthroughs come from confronting those feelings and putting in the hard work to shift our energy. It is important not to ignore or suppress our shadow nature, as this can fuel toxic patterns or behaviors that prevent us from healing and moving forward. Be cautious as you undertake your shadow work, the energy from Leo can enhance self-doubt or insecurity when confronting issues within ourselves, in contrast to its otherwise confident and self-assured energy.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣

The tarot card accompanying this alignment is the King of Swords, which is completely in tune with the new moon energy and the astrological aspects of this cycle. This card is calling upon us to overcome our struggles and insecurities, to do the work, which leads us back to that confident Leo energy. Combined with that confidence, the King of Swords is encouraging us to make informed, calculated decisions, with a balanced mind. Making informed decisions involves both logic and intuition, as well as spirituality. It is important to stay open minded and to have fresh, flexible perspectives. Because of this balance between logic and intuition, the King of Swords brings with him mental clarity and an empathetic, authoritative energy. ⁣⁣

As we prepare for winter and the darker months, be patient and caring toward yourself and your own inner darkness. Changes do not happen overnight, taking the first steps leads to progress.

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

Full Moon in Aquarius

Deck: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards

Deck: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards

Tonight, we experience the full moon in Aquarius. The energy is palpable. You may feel a strong pull toward socialization, groups, collaborations and humanitarian efforts. Embrace it! The Aquarius energy drives us to care for our communities and to stand up for what we believe in. There has been so much progress since the criminal murder of George Floyd, but there have been more injustices and there is still so much that needs to be done. We also need to focus on the minorities and communities that are also facing oppression and racism. It’s important to keep the momentum going and to be informed and prepared for the upcoming election. The Aquarius energy is asking us to embrace justice and change. Harnessing this energy would be a great way to start working toward causes that are important to you. The full moon in Aquarius may guide you toward working beyond individual efforts, but that does not mean that individual efforts go unseen.  

There are many ways to be supportive during these times, every person and every action serves a purpose. It could be working toward dismantling micro racial injustices in daily life, protesting, donating to causes, sharing articles and petitions, or voting for candidates that support your missions. This energy shift is helping us become more in tune with the needs of modern society as a whole. As we move forward, it’s important to keep a calm attitude and approach issues logically. The electric energy of this full moon will help with creative problem solving, which assists us in facing some of these tougher issues and topics.         

I hope you find this lunar alignment rejuvenating and helpful! Here are a few resources for social justice causes: 

Women’s Refugee Commission:

The National Council of Negro Women:

Brookings; Race, Poverty & Special Needs Education:

Native American Rights Fund:

Elijah McClain GoFundMe:

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

New Moon in Cancer

Decks: Astrosoul Oracle deck & Ethereal Orbs, created by Astrosoul Oracle

Decks: Astrosoul Oracle deck & Ethereal Orbs, created by Astrosoul Oracle

Tomorrow night, we experience the new moon in Cancer. The new moon is my absolute favorite lunar cycle. It offers us the opportunity to start fresh and pause for reflection and encourages restorative practices. This new moon is in Cancer, the zodiac which is deeply linked to sensitivity, domestic matters, personal care, and family. We must pull from our emotions to nurture ourselves and others. If you’ve  been feeling called to make changes within any of these areas, the new moon will help provide you with clarity, tranquility and peace to begin formulating plans or to evaluate decisions. You don’t need to figure out every detail in the moment, instead, focus on planting seeds that will initiate that initial push to set plans in motion. The new moon energy is a gentle nudge to move forward, its subtle power will help us feel refreshed instead of drained. This is a very good time to check in with yourself and your emotions, and take some time to practice self-care. 

Personally, I deeply connect with new moon energy. I’ve been in a very reflective mood and have been paying close attention to my wants, needs and emotions. After quite a bit of thought, here are my intentions for the month! The reoccurring theme of my intentions is definitely balance. I’ve been extremely busy and overwhelmed, so I’m primarily working toward balancing my business, my job and my spiritual practice / health. I truly couldn’t love my new position more, it’s not a negative busy, but I do need to find balance. I always set aside time during the new moon to soak in those restorative energies. 

The new moon in Cancer magnifies inner feelings, as well as our reactions to other people’s emotions. Like I, during this time you might feel more overwhelmed or emotional than usual. Be aware of heightened sensitivity that the Cancer sign brings, and be gentle with your own emotions and the feelings of others. Fittingly, the message for this lunar phase comes through the Annathra card, of the Ethereal Orbs deck:

Contain your temper

if fulfillment you seek,

integrating your Self 

will be your best asset

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

Fourth of July / Full Buck Moon in Capricorn

Fourth of July Graphic.jpg

I feel so conflicted today, this is the most disappointed and angry that I’ve ever felt politically. We all need to continue doing our part to fight against racial inequality. Instead of fireworks and parties, I’m spending time at home donating, signing petitions and supporting black witchy accounts (please drop some tags if you have suggestions)! Any and all people of color will get 15% off purchases for the weekend. Send me a message and I will give you the code.⁣⁣

The astrological alignment is in sync with the current political unrest. Tonight, we experience a full moon / lunar eclipse in a Capricorn, which is 3x more potent than a typical full moon. The energy almost feels electric, as we process the events of the last few weeks, in the midst of tensions boiling over. Capricorn energy is also awakening a desire within us, to contribute to society and social justice issues. Channeling this energy can really fuel our efforts to fix what is broken in this country. On this day, which celebrates the birth of the United States, we must recognize that this country was founded on principles of independence, justice and liberty that did not, and still do not, apply to all citizens. Today, we take a moment to honor the lives lost due to senseless violence, police brutality and rampant racism:

Breonna Taylor

George Floyd

Elijah McClain

James Scurlock

Atatiana Jefferson

Aura Rosser

Stephon Clark

Botham Jean

Philando Castille

Alton Sterling

Michelle Cusseauex

Freddie Gray

Eric Garner

Janisha Fonville

Akai Gurley

Gabriella Nevarez

Tamir Rice

Michael Brown

Tanisha Anderson

Antwon Rose Jr.

Almaud Arbery

Trayvon Martin

We also honor all the other black men, women and children who have been harmed in any way, as well as the many cases that haven’t made national or international news. The country and justice system are broken. Do your part to fix it. Happy Fourth of July.

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

Summer Solstice Astrology Update

Decks: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards & The Threads of Fate Oracle, Shadow Edition

Decks: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards & The Threads of Fate Oracle, Shadow Edition

This weekend, we experienced the new moon eclipse in Cancer, a ring of fire solar eclipse, AND the summer solstice! This is a very unique and quite powerful alignment!! A solar eclipse occurs when the sun and moon align with the Earth. Because the moon is smaller than the sun, a beautiful red ring appears around the moon. This phenomenon is visible from Africa, southeast Europe and Asia. Since the summer solstice falls on the same day, our celebrations are majorly charged from these astrological occurrences. The summer solstice, also known as Midsommar or Litha, is the longest day of the year and is often celebrated for multiple days.

Traditionally, the summer and winter solstices marked the changing seasons, along with the spring and autumn equinoxes, which made them both practical and spiritual, as they hold great cultural and spiritual significance. For thousands of years, cultures from all over the world have celebrated and revered the solstices, from building sacred structures that align with the sun, such Stone Hedge or the Egyptian pyramids, to throwing massive festivities to honor these markers. In fact, solstice celebrations are still held at Stone Hedge and other similar structures around the world today. The solstices mark the turning of the wheel to a new season with new opportunities. It is a time of renewal and fertility.

Crystals that harness the energy of the sun and the spirit of Litha include Citrine, Amber, Tiger’s Eye and Peridot. The summer solstice energy is very powerful and can be used for protection workings, personal growth, fertility and healing. It is also a perfect time of the year to simply enjoy the summer season by spending time in nature or tending to your garden, as well as hosting bonfires or outdoor events. If you are pagan, it is an ideal time to work with the fire element and nature magick. These can be done by solitary practitioners or you can celebrate with others by doing group rituals, dancing and hosting bonfire celebrations, under normal circumstances (this year the pandemic has thrown a wrench into tradition). I prepared fresh foods and went for a nature walk yesterday as part of my celebrations. Today, I will spend time at my altar and do ritual work.

The new moon in Cancer adds a twist to an already magically potent time of the year. New moons provide a powerful time for new beginnings and new ideas. Additionally, the solar eclipse provides a turning point for social change and revolutionary ideas, especially with Cancer bringing emotional tensions to the surface. We are reminded to be empathetic during this time and to reflect on our own emotional needs, as well as others. This is incredibly important and is a very accurate reflection of the political and the civil rights revolution that we are globally experiencing. Utilize this energy to continue to support the fight for social justice. The oracle card for this cycle lines up perfectly with this astrological alignment and these sentiments. The card, Get Curious, reflects the energy beautifully, representing shifting thought processes and an openness toward change and vulnerability. When we tap into our curiosities, we broaden our horizons and spark change.

New Moon Intentions & a Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

New Moon Intentions & a Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

Strawberry Moon / Lunar Eclipse: Channeling Energy for Human Rights ⁣

Decks: the Living Wheel Astrology Cards & the Smith-Waite Tarot deck, the Centennial Edition 

Decks: the Living Wheel Astrology Cards & the Smith-Waite Tarot deck, the Centennial Edition 

This weekend, we welcomed the Strawberry Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius! This was a very powerful and intense astrological alignment, that is incredibly in tune with current events and encourages change, justice and awareness. A lunar eclipse happens when the sun, Earth, and moon line up perfectly in space, casting a shadow on the moon. This eclipse brings us a renewed feeling of purpose and a heightened conscious awareness to the world and issues around us, as well as an intense burst of energy. Sagittarius energy rules travel and philosophy, which are great traits to harness while working toward racial justice. The tarot card for this cycle is the Two of Pentacles, representing adaptability and prioritization, which are also very relevant during this time.

This full moon eclipse is sweetly named for the summer, when wild strawberries are in season and summer really starts to kick off. This lunar cycle is perfect for savoring the fruits of our labor. All the work you put in during the winter and spring are beginning to flourish. ⁣These fruits could be financial, professional, or under the current circumstances, the well deserved steps toward justice from spreading awareness and activism for the Black Lives Matter cause. Now is the time to reward yourself and indulge, take a moment to step back and look at all you have accomplished. Care for yourself. I know I will be buying from black owned businesses as a way to splurge productively this week (a compiled Etsy list of black owned businesses is linked below)! I participated in protection workings for protestors.

While the full moon / eclipse is over, carrying that passionate energy and working toward equality continues. We are in the midst of a much needed revolution. It’s time to stand up for our black brothers and sisters and make the world a more just and equal place. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣When you reflect on this time, have you helped others while they were hurting? Have you stood up against racism? With June being Pride Month, it is also an excellent time to direct positive energy and support toward LGBTQIA+ folks, especially members of the community that are people of color. All our actions add up, big and small. Regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs, we all need to be doing our part. You don’t need to have a million dollars to support people of color or the LGTQIA+ community during this time; every act of kindness, share, cent and vote makes a difference. Together, we will make a difference. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Every person should be treated with dignity, equality and respect.

Here are a few resources and organizations to donate to, follow, or share:

Civil Rights organizations / funds:

Black Lives Matter-

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.-

The Colin Kaepernick Know Your Rights Camp Legal Defense Initiative-

Black Owned Etsy Shops-

LGBTQIA+ organizations / funds:

Center for Black Equality-


Pride Foundation-

Advocates for Youth-

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

New Moon in Gemini

Deck: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards

Deck: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards

Happy New Moon! The Gemini energy from this alignment is a breath of fresh air. The new moon is perfect for setting intentions and launching new products or ideas. The New Moon, combined with the Gemini sign,  encourages us to harness that enthusiasm and listen to our needs and goals. Gemini energy brings mental clarity and a sense of renewal. It’s a great time to journal, meditate or practice divination to really check in with yourself and form those intentions and desires.⁣⁣
Once you receive some clarity, it’s a perfect time to try something new or act on those goals! Has there been a hobby you’ve been wanting to start, or a new book or show you’ve been wanting to dive into? These concepts are especially fitting as quarantine continues on- harnessing this vigor will help you stay motivated and focused. ⁣⁣Communication and a sense of community are also key for the Gemini sign. Staying in touch with your friends and family and supporting small shops / local restaurants are great ways to take in this energy and lift one another up. ⁣How can you utilize this New Moon in Gemini? ♊️⁣⁣

New Moon Intentions

New Moon Intentions

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

Flower Super Moon

Deck: Astrosoul Astrology

Deck: Astrosoul Astrology


Tonight we will see the Flower super moon! The Flower Moon gains its name because of all the blooms and foliage growing during May. It was originally named this by Native Americans. It is considered a super moon, as this cycle will be closer to earth, making it appear larger and brighter! The Flower Moon is in Scorpio. Scorpio energy is passionate and emotional. During this time, you may feel a strong desire for communication and human connection. Reach out to your loved ones, especially since we are all social distancing. While this energy is great to forge connections, be careful with what you say and how you say it. Keep in mind that Scorpio energy can fuel interactions, both positively and negatively. ⁣⁣If your emotions feel intense, pause and assess before communicating.⁣

This passionate energy can also be applied to a hobby or project and can assist with overcoming creative blocks. I know I will be utilizing this energy for new resin projects! How are you going to harness the Scorpio energy?⁣ 

Full Moon Intentions

Full Moon Intentions

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

Beltane Celebrations

Beltane Altar, 2020.

Beltane Altar, 2020.

Beltane Altar Jar: flowers, dried sage, crystals, strawberry offering.

Beltane Altar Jar: flowers, dried sage, crystals, strawberry offering.

Tarot Cards representing the sun. Left: The Illuminated Tarot Deck. Right: Astrosoul Oracle Deck.

Tarot Cards representing the sun. Left: The Illuminated Tarot Deck. Right: Astrosoul Oracle Deck.

The earth is beginning to emerge from its winter slumber, the light lasts longer and flowers and plants are starting to bloom. Beltane is upon us! The word “Beltane,” derived from Gaelic, means bright fire. Beltane is a Celtic spring sabbat in pagan culture, celebrating the coming of spring, warmth and fertility. Non-pagan folks may also be familiar with these customs through May Day, which comes from pagan roots. Beltane can be celebrated subtly or elaborately. Regardless of your religious or spiritual preferences, some of these holiday customs can be celebrated by all. This is the perfect time of year to open your windows, clean and bring fresh air and energy into your home. Planting seeds is also an environmentally friendly way to celebrate the earth and have a hand in growing something beautiful. You can also make a May Pole and dance or play around it (this is especially great for little ones). May Poles are decorated with brightly colored ribbons. This actually stems from pagan roots and was originally a phallic symbol representing fertility, but it has been adapted into mainstream culture as an innocent family friendly activity, celebrating spring. Another way to celebrate this holiday is to cook / bake traditional Beltane dishes, such as homemade herb bread, salads, fresh fruit, cheese danishes and fruit cobblers.

Pagans often partake in the aforementioned spring customs, but generally have more spiritually centered practices in addition. Witchy ways to celebrate include bonfires, burning incense and candle magick, which represent warmth and passion, fertility prayers / spells and sex magick. Prosperity rituals and spells are often potent during this time as well. Some pagans may choose to work with the fae (fairies), which are elemental beings that are closely linked to nature. Beltane, and spring in general, is very good time to start researching and attracting the fae. (Be sure to research fully before taking this step, as innocent and silly as fairies sound to some, they are entities that deserve respect and you do not want to cross the nature spirits!)

There are several altar tools that are especially beneficial during this time / represent spring. Aventurine, rose quartz, citrine and carnelian crystals are all great choices to work with for Beltane. They are happy healing stones that can assist in general blessings / cleansing rituals, fertility and luck workings. Cauldrons and bells represent the swell of a pregnant belly and can be incorporated into your Beltane celebrations, especially if you are working with fertility themes. I created a Beltane Jar as part of my rituals this year (pictured) and filled it with flowers, crystals, dried sage and a fresh strawberry as an offering. I will be working with it at my altar on May 1! You can make one yourself with materials already in your home! Divination is also widely practiced on all sabbats. Doing a tarot or oracle card reading can help you introspectively, by helping guide you on what to work on this spring, or themes that will be useful for problem solving. 

However you choose to celebrate Beltane, I hope you enjoy it and stay safe!! Check below for a custom made Beltane tarot spread I have created for the occasion! If you use the spread, please share your results on Instagram and use the hashtag #peacefulpaganperson!

Original Beltane Divination Spread.

Original Beltane Divination Spread.

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

New Moon in Taurus / Earth Day

Deck: the Living Wheel Astrology Cards

Deck: the Living Wheel Astrology Cards

The new moon is in Taurus tonight! And it happens to be Earth Day as well! This energy is powerful, it’s a good time to plan ahead and think outside the box. Set your intentions. Keep in mind that Taurus is often associated with comfort, money and values.  Take time to think about what you want to manifest, be specific and use this burst of energy to reset some of the stress and uncertainties of the month and look toward a fresh start. ⁣

Since it’s also Earth Day, I’m going to include eco-centered goals and strategize ways to do better by the planet! It’s a great day to spend outside (if you are able to safely). ⁣We need to take better care of Mother Earth. Every small action has a reaction, both positively and negatively. Keep this in mind as we, as a society, take a step back and focus on healing and staying safe. We need to give our planet the same level of respect and healing.

New Moon Intentions

New Moon Intentions

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Jamie Marx Jamie Marx

April Creative Challenge

Deck: Astrosoul Astrology

Astrosoul Oracle Deck


Tonight we will see the Flower super moon! The Flower Moon gains its name because of all the blooms and foliage growing during May. It was originally named by Native Americans. It is considered a super moon, as this cycle will be closer to earth, making it appear larger and brighter! The full moon is a great time to look back on your blessings of the month and to enjoy the benefits of your hard work. This energy is also great for achieving new goals.

The Flower Moon is in Scorpio. Scorpio energy is passionate and emotional. During this time, you may feel a strong desire for communication and human connection. Reach out to your loved ones, especially since we are all social distancing. While this energy is great to forge connections, be careful with what you say and how you say it. Keep in mind that Scorpio energy can fuel interactions, both positively and negatively. ⁣⁣If your emotions feel intense, pause and assess before communicating.⁣

This passionate energy can also be applied to a hobby or project and can assist with overcoming creative blocks. I know I will be utilizing this energy for new resin projects! How are you going to harness the Scorpio energy?⁣ 

Full Moon Intentions
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