New Moon in Gemini

Deck: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards

Deck: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards

Happy New Moon! The Gemini energy from this alignment is a breath of fresh air. The new moon is perfect for setting intentions and launching new products or ideas. The New Moon, combined with the Gemini sign,  encourages us to harness that enthusiasm and listen to our needs and goals. Gemini energy brings mental clarity and a sense of renewal. It’s a great time to journal, meditate or practice divination to really check in with yourself and form those intentions and desires.⁣⁣
Once you receive some clarity, it’s a perfect time to try something new or act on those goals! Has there been a hobby you’ve been wanting to start, or a new book or show you’ve been wanting to dive into? These concepts are especially fitting as quarantine continues on- harnessing this vigor will help you stay motivated and focused. ⁣⁣Communication and a sense of community are also key for the Gemini sign. Staying in touch with your friends and family and supporting small shops / local restaurants are great ways to take in this energy and lift one another up. ⁣How can you utilize this New Moon in Gemini? ♊️⁣⁣

New Moon Intentions

New Moon Intentions


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