Fourth of July / Full Buck Moon in Capricorn

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I feel so conflicted today, this is the most disappointed and angry that I’ve ever felt politically. We all need to continue doing our part to fight against racial inequality. Instead of fireworks and parties, I’m spending time at home donating, signing petitions and supporting black witchy accounts (please drop some tags if you have suggestions)! Any and all people of color will get 15% off purchases for the weekend. Send me a message and I will give you the code.⁣⁣

The astrological alignment is in sync with the current political unrest. Tonight, we experience a full moon / lunar eclipse in a Capricorn, which is 3x more potent than a typical full moon. The energy almost feels electric, as we process the events of the last few weeks, in the midst of tensions boiling over. Capricorn energy is also awakening a desire within us, to contribute to society and social justice issues. Channeling this energy can really fuel our efforts to fix what is broken in this country. On this day, which celebrates the birth of the United States, we must recognize that this country was founded on principles of independence, justice and liberty that did not, and still do not, apply to all citizens. Today, we take a moment to honor the lives lost due to senseless violence, police brutality and rampant racism:

Breonna Taylor

George Floyd

Elijah McClain

James Scurlock

Atatiana Jefferson

Aura Rosser

Stephon Clark

Botham Jean

Philando Castille

Alton Sterling

Michelle Cusseauex

Freddie Gray

Eric Garner

Janisha Fonville

Akai Gurley

Gabriella Nevarez

Tamir Rice

Michael Brown

Tanisha Anderson

Antwon Rose Jr.

Almaud Arbery

Trayvon Martin

We also honor all the other black men, women and children who have been harmed in any way, as well as the many cases that haven’t made national or international news. The country and justice system are broken. Do your part to fix it. Happy Fourth of July.


New Moon in Cancer


Summer Solstice Astrology Update