Summer Solstice Astrology Update

Decks: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards & The Threads of Fate Oracle, Shadow Edition

Decks: The Living Wheel Astrology Cards & The Threads of Fate Oracle, Shadow Edition

This weekend, we experienced the new moon eclipse in Cancer, a ring of fire solar eclipse, AND the summer solstice! This is a very unique and quite powerful alignment!! A solar eclipse occurs when the sun and moon align with the Earth. Because the moon is smaller than the sun, a beautiful red ring appears around the moon. This phenomenon is visible from Africa, southeast Europe and Asia. Since the summer solstice falls on the same day, our celebrations are majorly charged from these astrological occurrences. The summer solstice, also known as Midsommar or Litha, is the longest day of the year and is often celebrated for multiple days.

Traditionally, the summer and winter solstices marked the changing seasons, along with the spring and autumn equinoxes, which made them both practical and spiritual, as they hold great cultural and spiritual significance. For thousands of years, cultures from all over the world have celebrated and revered the solstices, from building sacred structures that align with the sun, such Stone Hedge or the Egyptian pyramids, to throwing massive festivities to honor these markers. In fact, solstice celebrations are still held at Stone Hedge and other similar structures around the world today. The solstices mark the turning of the wheel to a new season with new opportunities. It is a time of renewal and fertility.

Crystals that harness the energy of the sun and the spirit of Litha include Citrine, Amber, Tiger’s Eye and Peridot. The summer solstice energy is very powerful and can be used for protection workings, personal growth, fertility and healing. It is also a perfect time of the year to simply enjoy the summer season by spending time in nature or tending to your garden, as well as hosting bonfires or outdoor events. If you are pagan, it is an ideal time to work with the fire element and nature magick. These can be done by solitary practitioners or you can celebrate with others by doing group rituals, dancing and hosting bonfire celebrations, under normal circumstances (this year the pandemic has thrown a wrench into tradition). I prepared fresh foods and went for a nature walk yesterday as part of my celebrations. Today, I will spend time at my altar and do ritual work.

The new moon in Cancer adds a twist to an already magically potent time of the year. New moons provide a powerful time for new beginnings and new ideas. Additionally, the solar eclipse provides a turning point for social change and revolutionary ideas, especially with Cancer bringing emotional tensions to the surface. We are reminded to be empathetic during this time and to reflect on our own emotional needs, as well as others. This is incredibly important and is a very accurate reflection of the political and the civil rights revolution that we are globally experiencing. Utilize this energy to continue to support the fight for social justice. The oracle card for this cycle lines up perfectly with this astrological alignment and these sentiments. The card, Get Curious, reflects the energy beautifully, representing shifting thought processes and an openness toward change and vulnerability. When we tap into our curiosities, we broaden our horizons and spark change.

New Moon Intentions & a Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

New Moon Intentions & a Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse


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