Peaceful Pagan Person

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Strawberry Moon / Lunar Eclipse: Channeling Energy for Human Rights ⁣

Decks: the Living Wheel Astrology Cards & the Smith-Waite Tarot deck, the Centennial Edition 

This weekend, we welcomed the Strawberry Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius! This was a very powerful and intense astrological alignment, that is incredibly in tune with current events and encourages change, justice and awareness. A lunar eclipse happens when the sun, Earth, and moon line up perfectly in space, casting a shadow on the moon. This eclipse brings us a renewed feeling of purpose and a heightened conscious awareness to the world and issues around us, as well as an intense burst of energy. Sagittarius energy rules travel and philosophy, which are great traits to harness while working toward racial justice. The tarot card for this cycle is the Two of Pentacles, representing adaptability and prioritization, which are also very relevant during this time.

This full moon eclipse is sweetly named for the summer, when wild strawberries are in season and summer really starts to kick off. This lunar cycle is perfect for savoring the fruits of our labor. All the work you put in during the winter and spring are beginning to flourish. ⁣These fruits could be financial, professional, or under the current circumstances, the well deserved steps toward justice from spreading awareness and activism for the Black Lives Matter cause. Now is the time to reward yourself and indulge, take a moment to step back and look at all you have accomplished. Care for yourself. I know I will be buying from black owned businesses as a way to splurge productively this week (a compiled Etsy list of black owned businesses is linked below)! I participated in protection workings for protestors.

While the full moon / eclipse is over, carrying that passionate energy and working toward equality continues. We are in the midst of a much needed revolution. It’s time to stand up for our black brothers and sisters and make the world a more just and equal place. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣When you reflect on this time, have you helped others while they were hurting? Have you stood up against racism? With June being Pride Month, it is also an excellent time to direct positive energy and support toward LGBTQIA+ folks, especially members of the community that are people of color. All our actions add up, big and small. Regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs, we all need to be doing our part. You don’t need to have a million dollars to support people of color or the LGTQIA+ community during this time; every act of kindness, share, cent and vote makes a difference. Together, we will make a difference. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Every person should be treated with dignity, equality and respect.

Here are a few resources and organizations to donate to, follow, or share:

Civil Rights organizations / funds:

Black Lives Matter-

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.-

The Colin Kaepernick Know Your Rights Camp Legal Defense Initiative-

Black Owned Etsy Shops-

LGBTQIA+ organizations / funds:

Center for Black Equality-


Pride Foundation-

Advocates for Youth-